Misery loves company.

This statement is not often focused on enough, though it should be not just because it’s true but because it hints at the contagious forces of pessimism, there are some people who’re not only consistently pessimistic but actually derive a sense of security from others being pessimistic, they should be avoided at all costs because you simply not wanting to be pessimistic is not enough to guard you from them, you need to isolate them from you otherwise little by little you’ll become more pessimistic because pessimistic people outnumber you. They will spin any positive into a negative and soon your brain will start doing the same, you tell them they’ve found a cure for cancer and their first response is “but most popel won’t be able to afford it” - it’s also worth noting that pessimisism and a negative outlook seems to correlate with lower intelligence and cognitive function, it also seems causitive so if someoen is pessmistic they’re more likely to be stupid and if you become more pessimistic you’ll likely become stupider - Optimism simple requires more resources and higher levels of cognition and your brain is use it or lose it.